Monday, April 7, 2008

Conference Weekend Chaos

Okay so as the title pretty much tells you this weekend was super duper crazy! Friday afternoon we drove down to the Louisville Temple with the YSA. It is about a three hour drive from Muncie, but it was worth it. That night we stayed with Phil's parents in Batesville, which is right in between Louisville and Muncie so it worked out really well to stay there because we were able to see them and not drive the entire three hours in one night! Then on Saturday we had a baptism right before general conference for our friend Rachael Linn. During the break between sessions we went on a picnic lunch to Minnetrista. Then after the second session on Saturday we made pizza at Phil's house before he went to the Priesthood Session. While he was doing that I went on a run with my roommate and her sister, which lasted for about an hour. We Phil finished with that we walked to campus to eat some free pizza from Late Nite, then decided to climb a tree! Random, I know. Sunday morning I went to Phil's house and we made some pancakes together for breakfast. Between conference sessions we had a potluck with YSA and went on a little stroll with the Gebs before the next session. Then after the last session we went on a really long walk to enjoy the wonderful weather we have had lately! While we were walking we ran into Jared and Emily. She decided to take a picture of us. So enjoy!

1 comment:

The Horn Family said...

Hey, we're excited to see you 2 next weekend. Hope your week has gone well.