Sunday, December 16, 2007

Winter Break Begins...

So it was a surprisingly fun week. It was finals week, which means I don't have my normal classes but I do have HUGE tests. I didn't have any finals on Monday or Tuesday, but I had to make up for that at the end of the week. I spent most of the week in the library studying with Phil. (We were actually studying and we took a few pictures too) I stayed in Muncie over the weekend to hang out with Phil and a few other people who were staying in town. We had tons of snow there on Saturday and Sunday which was a great way to start the break!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Winter Wonderland

Super fun time last night! Phil and I went on a double date with Jared and Emily, to Dunkirk Branch Christmas Party. Phil had to go play the piano for the party and so we all went with him to hang out too. Then we came back to Muncie and decided to play in the snow at Phil's house. We had snowball fights, made snow angels, and we built a giant Igloo. We piled all of the snow from their yard into a huge pile and hollowed it out, it is big enough to hold all four of us and be decently comfortable. Then we went inside and watched the Borne Identity. But then we had to walk back to the dorms in horribly wet and cold clothes, so we didn't really walk we ran back to the dorms. Emily spent the night at my dorm so she wouldn't have to walk all the way back to her dorm across campus. It was a pretty great way to start the weekend, and to have some last minute fun before finals next week!

Saturday, December 1, 2007


Not much going on in Muncie this weekend. Okay maybe there is a nice bit of stuff going on. Friday night I was playing in a concert for Campus Band and I had a sleep over at one of the girl's at YSA. Today I had Relief Society the lesson was actually on making a blog so it is kind of funny in a weird way. I have a baptism tonight then I am going to Late Nite with Phil. So it should be an enjoyable evening.