Thursday, March 13, 2008

Spring Break

So I have been a little behind on updating my blog. As you have noticed, but better late than never. Well as you can tell it is Spring Break! A time of rest and relaxation, right? Wrong. It is a time of crazy amounts of driving across the eastern half of the country and projects! Okay so this the Kim Horn version of Spring Break, 2008 edition. So it all began in Muncie, Friday afternoon I left school with Phil to head down to Batesville to be with his family, and as Indiana weather would have it, in a snowstorm (remember this is spring break NOT Christmas break) So Saturday and Sunday we were snowed in with his family. It was a really fun time we watched movies and organized pictures, and played games. We also used the foot of snow for a bit of sledding, oh and this hill didn't have a soccer goal at the bottom or the rest of the town using the same hill! Amazing! Okay. So on Monday morning I left to go to the Smokey Mountains with my family. We had a couple of picnics, and had drove around Cades Cove on Monday afternoon. Then on Tuesday we had a picnic lunch and went on a hike. Then we drove back to the cabin and had a yummy dinner that mom provided. On Wednesday morning not-so-bright, but early I left to go back up to Batesville to see Phil and work on the huge genealogy project that I am working on for my geography class. I just finished working on it for a bit, I just completed inputting the information for the 15th generation! At least this project is somewhat useful because mom can now take all the names and do what needs to be done for temple work, so hopefully we will have a large stack of names for temple trips now, which should keep us busy for a very long time to come!

1 comment:

The Horn Family said...

Did you get your project done?